- 157 referinte -
(05.11.2008) A few weeks ago, it was finalised the deal of buying this very nice apartament, which brought me much satisfaction. In the end, the circumstances were very lucky for me, because I had the chance to work with Robert S., who proved to be a very committed young professional: very well-organised, all the answers readily provided, very helpful and supportive. I can ensure that working with him would be a pleasure for anyone.
(19.10.2008) It is a pleasure to work with such professionals. We solved clients with financial requests very fast, so the transactions have been made until the deadlines. Congratulations to Mister Sirbu Robert.
(15.10.2008) It is great to work with a professional person in this field ! You may have all the info up to date, answers to any questions. Keep on going the same line!!
(22.08.2008) Reliable, client friendly, proactive & deal oriented, well organized & efficient. To conclude – it is a pleasure to work with such professionals.
(17.08.2008) Nice to work with Private - Broker. Very good and client oriented company. Helpful team. FOARTE BINE!!!
Multumim Private Broker pentru o colaborare fructuasa. In urma discutiilor avute am gasit solutii foarte bune, exact ceea ce avem noi nevoie. Multumim si mult succes in viitoarele proiecte!
Claudia Zamfir, Persoana privata -
(11.12.2008) Am achizitionat un imobil in Pantelimon Residence datorita intermedierii cu succes a tranzactiei de catre d-nul Robert Sirbu. Vreau sa specific faptul ca, daca nu era amabilitatea, profesionalismul, seriozitatea si mai ales, abilitatea d-nului Sirbu, in toate fazele medierii contractului, eu as fi refuzat sa mai cumpar respectivul imobil de la proprietarii acestuia (mai ales ca exista o multitudine de oferte pe piata imobiliara). Inca o data vreau sa-i transmit d-nului Robert Sirbu mii de multumiri si mult succes in activitatea pe care o desfasoara cu atata daruire.